I attribute any good painting that I've ever done to tutorials that I saw on the internet. Many of the works that we see online are so fantastic that I can't even imagine producing them. I am a firm believer in the teaching theory that the best person to teach any individual is one who only has a very slightly higher level of mastery of the particular activity that is being taught.
As a begining to this new blog I thought a tutorial might be a good way to record my own progress.
This servitor is a test model for a new project I am thinking about and is only a basic conversion.
The model is assembled from a couple of kits with no greenstuff, I put a few blobs of typhus corrosion on the bear plastic to texture the model before priming, you can see it best on the magazine of the caliver.
Primed with chaos black and then sprayed from above with mournfang brown, don't do what I did and spray a thick coating on your wedding ring.
Dark grey then light grey zenithal highlight very roughly applied:
crude block in some darker colours over the dark areas, golden brown on the yellow, brown and copper areas, gunmetal on the black metal, flesh is a 1:1 mix of golden brown and squid pink:
some drybrushing (eldar flesh on the skin, stone on the cloth, ryza rust on the copper and yellow) and also a bit of olive green on the magazine:
Dry brush gold and light green on the gun, palesun yellow on the helmet, aluminium on the helmet:
Washes, agrax on the brown and copper, nuln oil on the black, cassandora yellow on the helmet and reikland on the flesh, I dilute the ink with airbrush thinner rather than water, I just think it runs better and doesn't pool, a wetting agent as they call it in industry.
Another round of drybrushing, a brighter gold, light blue on the flesh and tyrant skull on the cloth (just for bit of variety). I should say that these drybrushings are quite quick and light, they shouldn't take a lot of time.
Violet pin wash on the flesh, and hellion green on the gun. two excellent paints. Difficult to see here but i've also washed the muzzle of the gun.
Very light dry brush over whole model, grey on the flesh, cloth and dark metal, palesun on the yellow and aluminium on the gold:
Final step before the weathering sponge and oil wash, I go over the whole model and base with a gold dry brush. This should be very light, if you can see it without turning the model in the light then you've put on to much. I think this step enhances the highlights, unifies the model and gives it a living quality, like all advice of this type it might not be for everybody.
I've touched the model on the head with a rhinox hide sponge, just two brief touches trying to make the wear look like it has been produced by something travelling at an angle across the top of the helmet. But then I forgot to take a picture.
I then gloss varnished and applied a burnt umber oil wash to the whole model, using white spirit to remove some of the wash from the head, hand, chest and gun.
Final results:
I hope this was helpful. Please don't hesitate to ask questions or (even better) give me suggestions to help me improve.